My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If I ever found myself in need of an army, to confront gods and demigods who wants nothing more than butcher me for parts of my body, in a different dimension, where the rules are different, where there might have creatures that nobody has ever seen or heard about, where everything is a big unknown, I'll know what to do. I'll just bring Max.
"What is a Max?" Ilanion asked.
Max is the toughest chick in UF. EVER!
You might ask, "what about Kate Daniels?"
If Kate had super quick healing abilities, after thirty or something years of continued torture, she might be able to take all the pounding that Max gets and still get up over and over again. But we will never know...
All the injuries and burns that Curran might take on during a whole book, Max is getting it all in a chapter and still kicking ass.
Ghouls, fairies, spiked wolves, powerful mages, gods, demigods... Bring it all you have, Max will kill them all!
I idolize her. And it's totally understandable that everyone else in the book does too.
What I love about this series is the idea of the Shadowblades and Sunspears made by a witch. Forget vampires. Shadowblades have it all! They are night creatures with super strengh, super healing, super speed. Even the sun reflected by the moonlight will burn them. Though Max might walk through the moonlight feeling the pain of the burns on her face and not even flinch. Blood?! Only made by Max's swords and guns. The sunspears are their counterparts, they get poisoned by the night and together they work to protect their witch's coven.
Okay, I might have a girl crush. So what?
Alexander, another Prime (sort of like alpha) Shadowblade like Max, is like the girl of the story. Yes, he's tough. But Max is tougher. He is the one that has a tantrum (when you are a shadowblade, tantrums mostly mean killing sprees) when he thought Max had died. Alexander is the one fainting (of massive burns and injuries, I must add) during battles, while Max will push through the pain and finish what she's started. It's not that I dislike him, but in this series, all the "woos" belong to Max.
The series is told from Max's and Alexander's point of views, and it has worked really well. You get a bit of both, whether they are together or not.
I love this series! I'd recommend to any UF fans.
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